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Les archives en anglais ou en chinois

Articles de cette rubrique

The Message (The 5th Chinese Film Festival in Paris)

Feng Sheng
jeudi 12 août 2010

1942, Nanjing (Nanking). Following a series of assassination attempts on officials of the Japanese-controlled puppet government, the Japanese spy chief gathers a group of suspects in a mansion house for questioning. A tense game of "cat and mouse" ensues as the Chinese code-breaker attempts to send out a crucial message while protecting his/her own identity.

Go Lala Go ! (The 5th Chinese Film Festival in Paris)

A Xu Jinglei film
mercredi 11 août 2010

Chinese romantic film "Go Lala Go !", adapted from the best-selling novel "Du Lala’s Promotion", opens in China on April 15, 2010.

Watch the trailer / Cast & Characters / Stills from the film

Examination 1977 (The 5th Chinese Film Festival in Paris)

Gaokao 77
mercredi 11 août 2010

China’s College Entrance Examination, known as ’Gaokao’ has been the most competitive test for Chinese students. However, it was even more critically fate changing for the educated youth more than thirty years ago in 1977, when China resumed this system after a ten-year-long Cultural Revolution.

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